Conflict Management

Conflict is Inevitable Conflict has traditionally been seen as bad. People tend to think conflict is caused by troublemakers and is best to be avoided.…

Delivering Bad News In this topic we will be discussing the tips about how to be assertive when delivering the bad news. It might be part of…

Saying NO!

Why it can be difficult to say NO Sometimes we just have to say “NO” to people, and some people can find this exceedingly difficult.…

Assertiveness in Action In this topic, we will be looking at a few examples of assertiveness in action. In the example shown in the video, we can…

How to be Assertive? There are three ways of being assertive:  Broken Record  Positive Attitude   A three-step approach  We are going to look at the first two briefly,…

What is Assertiveness? In this section we will be viewing two people competences. One is Assertiveness and the other is Negotiation.  Being assertive is going to help us get our…